The Blue Awakening
Top Story: The Blue Awakening
Trump’s not laughing. But grassroots activists all over the country are, as they galvanize their base and prep for November.
It was a nail-biting few weeks for the Dems. But now organizers from Black women, to white women, to Never-Trumpers, to young people are jumping in to join a fired-up Dem coalition intent on beating Trump.
It’s a great time to report on the behind-the-scenes work hundreds of groups are doing to get-out-the-vote.
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Story Ideas for Covering the Blue Awakening
The Crowd-Sourcing Story
Across the country, progressive organizations are fielding an unprecedented number of requests from would-be door knockers, people who want to start their own chapters and volunteers. What does this look like on the ground? And how are groups on your beat handling the frenzy?
The Big Tent Story
Stories about the Dems suffering because of their inability to manage their diverse coalition are constant. But something has changed. Kamala Harris is a candidate with multiple identities that she insists she wears comfortably. Is this making siloed organizers more willing to work with others? Write about this shift on your beat. How are Black organizers partnering up with white, Asian, and Latino organizers — and young people with older voters? What does this look like? How is it different and who’s responsible for making the first move?
The Hold-Outs Story
Polls and focus groups suggest there is a growing political gender gap, particularly among young people. Now, as women — young and old — say goodbye to Biden and coalesce around Kamala Harris, many are noticing their male counterparts aren’t necessarily following suit. Mothers, daughters, sisters, and spouses say they are taking on the job of convincing the men in their lives to vote for Harris. How are these conversations going? Who is having them? And are they working?
Also In The News
We’re Reading
“Kamala’s Way: An American Life” - by Dan Morain
Comic Relief
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