Haters Gonna Hate: Voting and Its Enemies
Top Story: Voting in America: Not A Right, A Fight
Paul Weyrich, the one-time GOP master manipulator, said the quiet part out loud. Widespread voting is one of those things that really annoys Republicans.
You may want to two-sides this, for your editor’s sake. But you can’t. Suppressing the vote isn’t a bug. It’s a feature of the GOP machine. And there are few stories more important for your readers to know about than local efforts to keep them from the polls.
As you read this, all across the country, hundreds of lawsuits are winding their way through the courts, as Republicans seek a myriad of creative ways to make it hard, illegal, expensive, inconvenient, dangerous, and simply impossible for Americans to cast their votes in 2024.
Cover this early and often. For democracy’s sake.
Tips on Covering GOP Efforts to Stop Voting
Name Names.
Readers deserve to know what GOP leaders, what GOP organizations, and what GOP donors in their communities want to keep them from voting. This is a Republican thing. And you gotta say it.
Pay Attention.
Republican efforts to suppress the vote are highly aggressive, highly organized and national. Keep a look out for what Republicans are doing in communities near you.
Then, warn your audience. Being pro-democracy means helping people in your community get prepared for attacks on their rights.
Understand the Myth of Voter Fraud.
Republicans lie about voter fraud to justify their unethical efforts to suppress the vote. You shouldn’t help them spread this misinformation.
Do not use the term “Election Integrity.”
Radical Republicans skillfully manipulate the media (that’s you) by coming up with official-sounding terms for made-up measures to combat made-up problems. Election Integrity is one of those carefully planted faux ideas. Getting you to use the term Election Integrity allows them to start spreading another false idea: that there is a lot of Election Fraud in our country, which is categorically untrue.
Do not use “so-called Election Integrity” either — as a way of communicating: “I don’t believe this.” That’s Journalism-Speak. Readers don’t actually know what “so-called” means.
Instead explain, like this:
House Member Peter Lie A Lot has told his constituents that he fears people who come to polling stations without their ID’s are attempting to vote illegally, even though there is no evidence to suggest that. In fact, extensive research indicates that voter fraud is very rare.
Provide evidence > Here.
Give historical context.
When you are writing about current initiatives on your beat, make sure your readers understand this is a classic anti-democratic tool of American conservatives in your community; not a one-off.
Be pro-voting.
Make sure voters in your state know:
where, how, and when to register and vote.
their rights as it relates to voting
how to get in touch with you if they are being intimidated, harassed, or dissuaded from voting.
Good Examples of Voter Suppression Coverage
We’re Watching
Slay The Dragon, a fabulous doc about gerrymandering and why it pollutes democracy.
We’re Reading
Democracy Docket, every day, so we keep abreast of where voter suppression efforts are happening, and who is fighting them.
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