CNN Failed Us
Top Story: CNN’s Malpractice
First do no harm.
That’s the Hippocratic Oath - and our reporter mantra in the Trump era.
Don’t be part of the misinformation machine.
Sadly, last week, two veteran CNN journalists subjected the nation to an avalanche of unedited Trump lies, what the Wisconsin Examiner called a fact-free debate, during a 90-minute airing, intended to inform voters of their choices.
Thanks Dana Bash and Jake Tapper for a lesson on WHAT NOT TO DO.
In an effort to make lemonade out of lemons —a cliche no reporter should use — Reporting Right decided to feature tips this week on offering voters public service reporting, not disinformation.
Tips for helping not hurting
Pitch “trend” pieces about right-wing campaigns spreading in state legislatures in your region
ban books
require the ten commandments in public school classrooms
outlaw peaceful protesters
reverse child labor laws
jail pregnant women
Pitch stories about how the avalanche of SCOTUS rulings is harming your community.
Like: Wisconsin Public Radio did when it reported on the Purdue Pharma opioid ruling this week and how it will impact Wisconsin victims.
Write editorials that clarify who is a danger to our democracy.
Like: The Philadelphia Inquirer did when it demanded that Trump, convicted felon step down.
Pitch process stories about efforts to preserve environmental treasures and fight climate-deniers.
Like: Barn Raiser did in this story about preserving water quality in Iowa.
Keep focused on voter suppression efforts.
Like: The Associated Press did in this story about voter outreach groups targeted by laws in GOP-led states.
Remember, your job is to spread the truth!
Also In The News
Pennsylvania bans foreign corporations from using dark money to influence elections
If Tennessee were a country, it would have the ninth highest incarceration rate in the world
Farmers don’t want Koch Industries dominating the fertilizer industry
We’re Reading
“Attack from Within: How Misinformation is Sabotaging America”
By Barbara McQuade
Comic Relief
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Our Staff
Executive Editor Kyle Spencer
Managing Editor Christen Gall
Our Board of Advisors
Alex Aronson, executive director of Court Accountability
David Armiak, research director for the Center for Media and Democracy
Connor Gibson, founder of Grassrootbeer Investigations
Maurice Cunningham, retired associate professor of political science at the University of Massachusetts at Boston and author of Dark Money and The Politics of School Privatization.
Reed Gallen, co-founder of The Lincoln Project
Isaac Kamola, associate professor of political science at Trinity College, founder of Faculty First Responders and co-author of Free Speech and Koch Money, Manufacturing a Campus Culture War
Nancy MacLean, William H. Chafe distinguished professor of history and public policy at Duke University and author of Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America
Ralph Wilson, founder of the Corporate Genome Project and co-author of Free Speech and Koch Money, Manufacturing a Campus Culture War
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