The Youth Vote
Top Story: You’re Not Welcome: The Youth Vote and its 2024 Enemies
Strict ID laws, cumbersome residency rules, half a dozen hurdles to overcome before you can cast your vote…
It would seem that any political party (Hello, GOP) that would subject young voters to such challenges - doesn’t really want them to vote.
Covering this is important.
So, this week Reporting Right is offering a primer on letting folks in your community know when political forces are trying to keep young voters from voicing their opinion at the polls.
We think you should be covering this because suppressing the youth vote is anti-democratic. And it’s wrong.
Every media outlet ought to be able to report that without reservation.
What You Need to Know About Efforts to Keep Young People from Voting
Young people fought hard to earn the right to vote.
Extreme conservatives have long sought to keep folks from voting. Young people is but one subset that they target.
Groups that protect the right to vote know this is a huge problem. So do youth get-out-the-vote groups.
What have GOP-led state legislatures done to keep young voters from the polls in your state?
Maybe, they are confusing young voters.
Maybe, they are trying to make early voting harder for them by closing polling stations, or rejecting non-emergency mail-in-voting for students.
Maybe, they are passing strict ID laws in an effort to keep them from voting.
How provisional ballots became the new voter suppression tool.
Provisional ballots given to young voters are rejected at much higher rates than those given to older voters. A coincidence? We think not. Cover this.
The youth vote is up. So, why do Republicans want the number of voting booths on college campuses to decline?
Hold folks accountable for this plan. Talk to students, voting rights groups, lawyers and the officials who support these voter suppression efforts. Ask why!
Think the GOP likes voters? Think again.
College Student Voter Fact Sheet.
Suppressing the youth vote is racial.
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